JSN Epic provides 3 font face options for major website types. Each font face option is actually a combination of 2 font types: one for content text, another for heading text and main navigation text.
To make your website content look even better, we included feature to load special fonts directly from Google Font Directory. We have carefully selected the most appropriate special font for each text styles. Since this service is provided by Google, it's very reliable and fast.
Click on any screenshot to see LIVE demo of that font face. (reset to default)
"Business / Corporation" style with special font
"Personal / Blog" style with special font
"Online News / Magazine" style with special font
JSN Epic provides 3 text size options for major website audience.
Click on any screenshot to see LIVE demo of that font size. (reset to default)
Small font size
Medium font size
Big font size
JSN Epic provides 6 major color variations for your taste. Each color variation covers not only the main background, but also color of drop-down menu, links, table's header and some others.
Click on any screenshot to LIVE demo of that color variation. (reset to default)
Color Variations
Blue Color
Grey Color
Green Color
Orange Color
Red Color
Violet Color
Interactive images presentation by JSN ImageShow extension
Each template color can be configured by 3 different ways:
Template color can be set by template parameter Template Color in administration panel.
Template color can be defined in parameter Page Class Suffix of menu items as custom-color-xxx.
Template color can be selected by website visitor from Color Selector in Site tools.